Amina's Organic Bergamot Essential Oil 10ml
Amina's Organic Bergamot Essential Oil 10ml
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زيت البيرغموت الطيار العضوي
حمضيات البيرغامايا
للبيرغموت رائحة الفاكهة الخضراء الحلوة والمنعشة. فهو منشط ومحفز أيضا.
يعتبر مفيد جدا للصداع الناتج عن التوتر وله تأثير مهدئ على الجهاز العصبي. ويمكن أن يستخدم في علاج الإكتئاب والإجهاد.
كيفية الإستخدام: إتبع الإرشادات
*كونه ممكن أن يسبب التحسس عند التعرض لأشعة الشمس، ينصح بعدم التعرض لأشعة الشمس عند استخدامه.
من الممكن مزجه مع الخزامى، الليمون والجيرانيوم.
A sweet, rich fruity and green citrusy smell.
Uplifting, refreshing, invigorating and stimulating.
This oil has some very impressive health benefits and is known to enhance your mood. Bergamot oil is one of the best essential oils for depression as it helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.
oduce irritation, dermatitis or sensitisations in skin if used in high concentrations.
Download Essential Oils guide
Recommended Uses:
1. Helps Relieve Depression: It is known for its ability to promote cheerfulness, uplift the spirit and balance moods. Add two drops of bergamot oil to your Amina's face cream or Shower Oil and apply daily. Add 10 drops to bathwater for a relaxing health-giving and uplifting soak.
2. Prevents & Fights Infections: It is used to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi with strong antimicrobial effects. Add 4-2 drops of bergamot to Amina's Ointment or Body Cream. Add 4 drops to the aroma diffuser to clear the air and add a beautiful aroma.
3. Relieves Stress & Anxiety: As a relaxant, it reduces nervous tension and works as a stress reliever and a natural remedy for anxiety. Diffuse 5 drops at home or work. Inhale the oil directly from the bottle. Apply 3-2 drops topically to your temples and back of the neck.
4. Alleviates Pain: A great way to reduce the symptoms of sprains, muscle aches and headaches. Rub five drops of bergamot oil on to sore muscles or where you feel the tension. To cover a larger surface area, combine bergamot with Amina's Calendula or Chamomile Shower Oil and massage in.
5. Boosts Skin Health: Soothing, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes healing and balances skin. Add 10 drops of bergamot oil to warm bathwater.
May also be combined with Amina's Dead Sea Pure for a healing soothing soak.
Bergamot has some very impressive health benefits and is known to enhance your mood. Bergamot oil is one of the best essential oils for depression as it helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. Avoid use in concentrations of above 0.5 % and exposure to sunlight within 12 hours of use.